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Ocaml Quiz 2009


240040 Topics on Compiler Construction Quiz #1

Name : 박용준

1. Define the test whether a list is empty.

# let empty = function

  [] -> true

 | _ -> false;;

val empty : 'a list -> bool = <fun>

# empty [1; 2; 3];;

- : bool = false

# empty [];;

- : bool = true

2. Define a function sum that takes an integer list and returns the sum of all elements from it.

# let rec sum l = match l with

  [] -> 0

  | h::t -> h + sum t;;

val sum : int list -> int = <fun>

# sum [2; 3; 4];;

- : int = 9

3. Define a function square that takes a list of integers and returns a new list whose elements are equal to the elements of the original list squared by themselves.

# let rec square = function

  [] -> []

  | h::t -> [h*h] @ square t;;

val square : int list -> int list = <fun>

# square [1; 2; 3; 4];;

- : int list = [1; 4; 9; 16]

4. Define a function runnerup that takes an integer list and returns the secondly largest element among the elements.

# let runnerup li=

  let rec runnerup' l f s=match l with

  [] -> s

  | h::t -> if h>=f && f>=s then runnerup' t h f

     else if f>=h && h>=s then runnerup' t f h

     else runnerup' t f s in runnerup' li 0 0;;

val runnerup : int list -> int = <fun>

# runnerup [5; 2; 3; 1];;

- : int = 3

# runnerup [3;8;3;9;4;1];;

- : int = 8

5. Define a function fibseq that takes an natural number n and return a Fibonacci sequence as a list of n elements.

# let rec fibseq i= match i with

  0 -> [1]

  | _ -> let rec fib' =function

    0 -> 1

  | 1 -> 1

  | n -> fib'(n-1) + fib' (n-2) in fibseq (i-1) @ [fib' i];;

val fibseq : int -> int list = <fun>

# fibseq 5;;

- : int list = [1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8]

6. Define a function symtree that take a binary tree and gives its symmetric version. The binary tree has the following shape.

# type bintree = Leaf

               | Node of bintree * int * bintree;;

type bintree = Leaf | Node of bintree * int * bintree

# let rec symtree = function

  Leaf -> Leaf

  | Node(l,n,r) -> Node(symtree r, n, symtree l);;

val symtree : bintree -> bintree = <fun>

# symtree (Node(Node(Leaf,2,Leaf),1,(Node(Node(Leaf,4,Leaf),3,Node(Leaf,5,Leaf)))));;

- : bintree = Node (Node (Node (Leaf, 5, Leaf), 3, Node (Leaf, 4, Leaf)), 1,

 Node (Leaf, 2, Leaf))

7. Complete the following code fragment. The type formula represents the set of logical formulas and the function truth represents the evaluation of a logical formula.

# type formula = T

               | F

               | Conj of formula * formula

               | Disj of formula * formula

               | Impl of formula * formula

               | Neg of formula;;

type formula =


  | F

  | Conj of formula * formula

  | Disj of formula * formula

  | Impl of formula * formula

  | Neg of formula

# let rec truth = function

  | T->T

  | F->F

  | Conj(f1,f2) -> if f1=F then F else f2

  | Disj(f1,f2) -> if f1=T then T else f2

  | Impl(f1,f2) -> if Conj (f1, Neg(f2)) = T then F else T

  | Neg(f) -> if f=T then F else T;;

val truth : formula -> formula = <fun>

# truth (Impl(Disj(T,F),Conj(T,F)));;

- : formula = T

8. Assume that the following code fragment is given.

# exception Undefined;;

exception Undefined

# type nat = O

         | S of nat;;

type nat = O | S of nat

# let rec add m = function

    O -> m

  | S n -> add (S m) n;;

val add : nat -> nat -> nat = <fun>

# let rec sub m n=match m,n with

   _,O -> m

  | O,_ -> raise Undefined

  | S a,S b -> sub a b;;

val sub : nat -> nat -> nat = <fun>

# let rec mul m n = match m,n with

  O,_ -> O

| _,O -> O

|  S O,_ -> n

|  _,S O -> m

|  _,S a -> add (mul m a) m;;

val mul : nat -> nat -> nat = <fun>

# let rec div m n =

  if n=O then raise Undefined

  else if m<n then O

  else add (div (sub m n) n) (S O);;

val div : nat -> nat -> nat = <fun>

# add (S (S O)) (S O);;

- : nat = S (S (S O))

# sub (S (S O)) (S O);;

- : nat = S O

# mul (S (S O)) (S (S (S O)));;

- : nat = S (S (S (S (S (S O)))))

# div (S (S (S (S (S (S O)))))) (S (S O));;

- : nat = S (S (S O))